Internment, by Rachel Kador

[Thursday, August 20, 2009]

An Odd Collection

It seems like everyone is writing about ways in which the Publishing world is changing:

Here's a Huffington Post blog about (apparently very rich or excitingly entrepreneurial) men who skirting the traditional publishing process.

The New York Times has an article about something even I already knew about: book publishing isn't glamorous! The interesting side of the article to me was learning how ritzy publishing used to be.

ReadWriteWeb (say that three times fast) has a four part series documenting the majors changes book publishing is, and has been, undergoing.

This snarky article published by an author on the San Francisco Gate website is a tribute to the disconnect between authors and publishers. Check out the comments on it for some self-righteous retribution.

The New York Observer takes the cake, though, with this article about one of the most profound changes in publishing: publishers actually backing out of book deals because an author missed his deadline.


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