Internment, by Rachel Kador

[Thursday, August 20, 2009]

The Sweetest Reply

I recently had to send out an email rejecting a proposal. I know what you're thinking. Email? Isn't that something only other (read: worse) publishers do? Surely such a crass, undiplomatic practice doesn't jive with the BK mission. Well, there are two situations in which I will respond to a proposal by email rather than by my customary phone call:

1. If I receive the proposal by email. I try to respond to all mailed proposals by phone, but when I get a proposal by email I typically respond electronically.

2. If you live overseas. Do I need to explain this? Everyone knows by now that not even the most lucrative publishing companies feel like they can justify frequent international phone calls.

So, as I was saying. I sent out an email recently rejecting a book proposal (see #2). This morning I had this gem of a response in my inbox:

Hello Rachel!

Thank you for coming back so fast.

How about a second thought?

Think about it? Perhaps it is time for change?

I am convinced that you are the publisher for me.

All the best!

PS. I love you anyhow!

This email totally brightened my day, and even though I was sorry to deliver the bad news to this guy that, in fact, our decision was final, I can't help but feel grateful for the chance to simply interact with authors like this.


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